How to install Plesk Onyx on CentOS 7?

How to install Plesk Onyx on CentOS 7?

Plesk Onyx is a website management panel or website control panel, much like cPanel, DirectAdmin and other similar products.

The major difference from its counterparts is that Plesk is one of the few website management panels, which work with Windows and Linux Operating Systems.

This tutorial explains how to install Plesk on your CentOS 7 or Ubuntu 16.04 Operating Systems. 


Minimum system requirements:

  • CentOS 7, or Ubuntu 16.04 Operating systems
  • 512 MB of RAM + 1 GB swap or more
  • 10 GB of disk space + free disk space for websites
    • Typical shared hosting (100-500 websites per server) Between 2 and 2.5 GB per website
    • Dedicated VPS hosting (1-10 websites per server) Between 4 and 12 GB per website


  1. Download and Install Plesk
  2. Finalize Plesk installation


1.    Download and install Plesk

First, connect to your server via the command line and run the following command to download and begin the installation.

Command: sh <(curl || wget -O -

The installation should take about 10-15 minutes.



Components and product check results:Components and product check results:Installation is finished 
The installation has been finished. Plesk is now running on your server. 
To complete the configuration process, browse either of URLs: 
* https://<IP_address_or_domain>:8443/login?secret=wenO5Eba%2BgX8dcPJZrTN6Nur6SVrTwoewYYsrinvgD0%3D  
* https://<IP_address_or_domain>/login?secret=wenO5Eba%2BgX8dcPJZrTN6Nur6SVrTwoewYYsrinvgD0%3D  
Use the username ‘admin’ to log in. To log in as ‘admin’, use the ‘plesk login’ command. 
You can also log in as ‘root’ using your ‘root’ password. 
Use the ‘plesk’ command to manage the server. Run ‘plesk help’ for more info. 
Use the following commands to start and stop the Plesk web interface: 
‘service psa start’ and ‘service psa stop’ respectively. 
If you would like to migrate your subscriptions from other hosting panel 
or older Plesk version to this server, please check out our assistance 
The changes were applied successfully.


2.    Finalize Plesk installation

After the installation is completed, you can log into your Plesk panel and finalize the setup. 

Connect to Plesk using your IP or domain: https://<IP_address_or_domain>:8443

Use your server root user and password.



Plesk is a modern website management panel for Linux servers. The installation process takes a about 10-15 minutes. The command line installation is very simple.

If you have ever installed a piece of software on Linux, you will be able to install Plesk!


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  1. Pingback: How to install Plesk Onyx on Windows Server 2016? - Tiny Tumbleweed

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